Venues 2007
Pat began 2007 with some excellent concerts, three of them sold out, and a lot of new dates are confirmed, or in the planning stage.
There are two St. Patrick's day concerts arranged to celebrate Ireland's national holiday, one in Waldsassen for fans in Oberfranken, and the second in the Panorama Gasthof Burgschaenke in Burgthann, near Nuremberg, both of these are taking reservations and look like being very full, reservation details can be found on the websites of both venues.
Waldsassen: http://www.paulis-blue-oyster-bar.de
Burgthann: http://www.burg-schaenke.de
In June Pat will play at Folk in Schlosshof, one of the biggest, and best folk festivals in Germany, together with some of the best folk bands in the world, details at folk in schlosshof website.
Later in the year Pat plans to travel again to Australia and New Zealand, and also possibly the U.S.A. further dates will be added to the gigs page when confirmed.
New Release in December 2006
In December Pat donated a new song The Festival Hall, to a charity organisation for the
homeless in Nuremberg, the Strassenkruezer, the song, together with others was released
on CD before Christmas and is now sold out.
Project to Preserve the Bavarian Peregrine Falkon

Meanwhile Pat is proud to be involved in a project to preserve the Bavarian Peregrine Falkon, which faced extinction due to the activities of nest robbers. Their nesting sites in Bavaria are now guarded and watched on video, which thankfully has resulted in a big increase in the Falkon population in Bavaria. On the 3rd of June Pat is playing a charity concert at the golf court in Sinzing (exit of the Regensburger Autobahn) with all proceeds going to this project.
Pat knows that many of his fans care deeply about project's such as this. Should you wish to help you can make a contribution to:
LBV Kreisgruppe Regensburg
Zweck: Wanderfalkenbewachung
Konto-Nr.: 157 180
Sparkasse Regensburg
BLZ 750 500 00
Please help a dedicated group of people to preserve at least something for our children to also see in their natural habitat.
Best wishes to you all, and Pat looks forward to seeeing you soon!
Australia and New Zealand Tour 2006
Pat will leave for Australia and New Zealand on the 28th of March and return on the 3rd of May.
Irish Connection Tour 2006
The tour with Sean Cannon and Stokes, was sucessfully completed, involving a travelling distance of 9.000 km.