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G'day from Queensland, Pat! I first heard your songs from the singing of the great Gerry Farrell. The Reason I Left Mullingar is one of my favourite songs. I have your CD and it's great. Thank you.
rfahey@mail.com, Tim O'Regan, Australia
13. Oktober 2010 11:53 MEZ
Was great to hear you sing The Reason I Left Mullingar today. I'll be back tomorrow, hoping to hear you play.
aussiegirl600@hotmail.com, Bea -
26. August 2010 19:08 MEZ
I was happy to find your web site and the lyrics to The Sick Note. I heard it years ago on "The Thistle and Shamrock" a radio show broadcast from my alma mater, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. I have been searching for years for the lyrics to several humorous songs aired during that program. Little did I expect to find them and the author! Thank you
rfahey@mail.com, Patrick Fahey, Jr., Easley, South Carolina, USA -
20. April 2010 5:12 MEZ
We loved your singing and we hope you are back again very soon, please contact me when you play in Regensburg again. we are big Irish fans and more of us will come the next time.
Jane Schmitt@nline.de, Jane, Regensburg, Germany -
27. Oktober 2009 23:52:32 MEZ
Hallo Pat, eine feine Seite hast du - und tolle Fans! Schaut doch mal beim Radio-Celtic-Sounds vorbei. und vielleicht sieht man sich mal bei einem Konzert, würde mich freuen. bis dahin viel Spaß ! McPitten Radio-Celtic-Sounds
http://radiocelticsounds.de, McPitten, Wunstorf, Niedersachsen, Germany -
10. Oktober 2009 18:43:48 MESZ
Hi Pat, just found your fab website on google. I will never forget our times in the Dyers Arms in Coventry. You and your songs will live in my memory always. Our visit to you in Ireland and the tour of the bars to cure my cold are things of legend. You look so distinguished at your desk, and of course, you are. Best wishes and lots of love. Trevor & Janet Griffiths.
trevor@perthpoint.com, Trevor & Janet Griffiths, Comrie, Crieff, Perthshire, Scotland - 2. September 2009 13:53:17 MESZ
The Sick Note... Absolute classic!
Are you likely to be touring Scotland any time soon?
rebel72@gmail.com, Richie, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland - 19. März 2009 08:41:36 MEZ
The Sick Note: I first heard this song on my car radio (Sunday morning regular show "Macca all over Australia") 30 years ago. It still makes me laugh to this day. Thank you Pat Cooksey for for making so many people happy. regards Mick Marrs
mjmarrs@g-node.com.au, Mick Marrs, Lennox Head, NSW, Australia - 21. März 2008 07:00:30 MEZ
.......und wieder war es ein unvergesslicher Abend auf dem Rhein, und der absolute Höhepunkt für uns war eindeutig Pat. Vielen Dank dafür; wir freuen uns schon auf "Riverfolk" im nächstes Jahr!
Connie + Harald Böswetter,
Connie@HACORUNA.de, Germany - 20. August 2007 09:18:33 MESZ
Thank you for a wonderful night in Mundelshein, I was a fan of Irish music for more than 30 years but your songs and your stories were a little different to the Irish music I heard so many playing, brilliant, see you in Folk in Schlosshof, you made so many new fans here.
Tim, Stuttgart, Germany - 19. Februar 2007 00:42:59 MEZ
Hallo zusammen
Eine tolle Website habt ihr da. Immer weiter so.
Viele Grüße aus dem schönen Oberbergischen Kreis.
MfG, Tim
Tim, Abach, Germany - 25. Januar 2007 16:57:47 MEZ
Hi Brigitte und Pat,
wir wünschen euch ein besinnliches und gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest. Fürs neue Jahr Gesundheit, Glück und Zeit für die schönen und wertvollen Momente im Leben.
Vielleicht sehen wir uns bald wieder mal in Höchstädt? Ihr seid herzlich willkommen!
Liebe Grüße von Jochen, Kerstin und Antonia
jk.berger@online.de, Jochen, Kerstin und Antonia Berger, Höchstädt im Fichtelgebirge, Germany - 21. Dezember 2006 23:01:30 MEZ
Hi Pat,
it was a great pleasure and great honor singing with you and Sean in the Church in Dortmund. I hope we can do it again some time. Save travels and lots of fun on your tour.
Regards, Dirk
Dirk Schiefke, Dortmund, NRW, Germany - 22. Mai 2006 23:57:44 MESZ
Hallo Pat,
war ne gute Session am 18. Mai im O'Caesys in Arnsberg.
Gruß, Lars
Lars - 22. Mai 2006 11:36:06 MESZ
Hi Pat.
I was very pleased that you played a few songs in the Blue Oyster Bar in Selb, although there haven't been enough people in the audience. And if I get a card I'll go wit a friend of mine to the Show in Selb this evening, in Buchwald. I'm looking forward at the gig tonight.
Cheerz Dan
Dan, <
www.abyss-of-fate.de>, Schirnding, Bavaria, Germany - 12. Mai 2006 11:55:51 MESZ
Hi Pat! Thanks for a wonderful evening at the Highlander. It's always a joy.
All the best,
Thorsten Lisker, Basel, Switzerland - 8. Mai 2006 14:08:55 MESZ
Hallo Pat!
Freue mich schon sehr, Dich und Sean am 17.5. in Dortmund wieder zu sehen.
War im März in Connemara, natürlich mit Deinen CD's im Gepäck.
Würde mich sehr freuen, Dich noch oft mit Sean, James und den Stokes zu hören.
Diese Formation ist einfach perfekt.
Brigitte Diehl, <
kh-diehl@versanet.de>Waltrop, NRW, Deutschland - 30. April 2006 23:19:22 MESZ
Dear Pat, liebe Brigitte,
Herzlichen Dank für Eure Einladung zum Konzert in der Fabrik in Hamburg. Ich bin immer noch überwältigt von der Herzlichkeit, mit der Pat mich nach der Pause im Backstagebereich aufgenommen hat. Es freut mich immer wieder zu erleben, wie Folkmusik verbinden kann. Gerade dann, wenn man sich vorher nur virtuell im www über den Weg gelaufen ist, hat die persönliche Begegung immer ein besonderes Gewicht. Das gilt ebenso für die Stokes als auch für Sean Cannon, mit denen (und dem) ich von Mensch zu Mensch plaudern durfte - und die ebenso wie Pat im immer zu kurzen Gespräch offenen Herzens auskunftfreudig waren. Herzlichen Dank an alle Beteiligten.
Pat, I am sorry - I am not able to translate my impressions into your language ... please ask Brigitte for help ... but I am still happy to have heard the ORIGINAL "sick note" instead of my german translated words. It was a highlight of my own.
find 2 images at
and remember ...
Henry Kochlin, <
http://www.folk-consortium.de/>Schwerin, Deutschland - 10. März 2006, 22:45:35 MEZ
Habe mich sehr gefreut euch alle auf der Bühne der Hamburger Fabrik zu erleben und mindestens genau so, euch persönlich kennen zu lernen. Und kurz vor Ende einer anstrengenden Tour immer noch so gut drauf! Ebenso Sean und James und die Stokes! Falls ihr nächstes Jahr wiederkommen solltet, sage ich allen meinen Freunden Bescheid!
tilman virgin, <
tilman@skiffle.net>Hamburg, Deutschland - 23. Februar 2006, 22:09:22 MEZ
dear pat, stoks and cannon`s
thanks for the great koncert in baden,CH.
ich hoffe man sieht und vor allem man hört euch wieder.
im august zieht es mich mit meiner freundin tangye nach irland, deine cd wird sicher auch mit dabei sein :)
grüsse aus zürich
ivan, Zürich, Schweiz<
nebelmoor@hotmail.com> - 17. Februar 2006, 15:54:31 MEZ
hey pat
great performance at ettelbrück, luxembourg at saturday. i hope i´ll get the chance to see you again next year. then perhaps you will find the way back to the "theatre cape", not like saturday when i and my dad had to help you
greetings from germany
basti, twist, trier, germany - 13. Februar 2006, 16:46:34 MEZ
Dear Brigitte & Pat,
thank you so much for a fantastic evening in the Irish Pub "Emerald Isle"! It was really nice to meet you again - we had a lot of fun! See you soon in Nuremberg - we really look forward to that evening with you, Seán and James.
All the best,
Martin & Anja
Anja & Martin, Berlin, Germany. - Thuesday, December 27, 2005 at 15:27:21 (CET)
Looking forward to seeing you in March.
I know you will show Auckland your great talent. Love you loads
Betty xxxxx.
Betty Steele<
Auckland, New Zealand. - Monday, December 26, 2005 at 00:45:06 (CET)
Hallo Pat,
it was a great pleasure to meet you and Sean in the Irish Castle in Nürnberg last Monday. We will never forget this Irish Session. Hope to see you next summer in Poppenreuth again.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and Sean and your families.
All the very best from
Hans and Erika.
Erika and Hans Kurzendorfer<
Fürth-Poppenreuth, Germany. - Friday, December 15, 2005 at 01:36:46 (CET)
Thanks for the great performance at the Folk-Club Taunusstein at the "Lindenbrunnen" last night.
Have a nice Christmas.
Rüdiger Müller<
Taunusstein, Germany. - Friday, December 11, 2005 at 12:58:36 (CET)
Just discovered your web site,what a well kept secret, will have to give Eddy Mac a b.......ing.
Love to see you in England again, miss the music and the craic.
Take care.
Sean & Noreen Michaels<
Wolverhampton, England. - Friday, October 7, 2005 at 20:56:10 (CET)
Pat, I am a singer/songwriter/performer from The US. I live in Alabama, where I also have a shop where I build acoustic Guitars, Mandolins,etc... I am not even sure where I heard your song about the work excuse (barrel song), but when I heard it, your name was not attached. Recently, I became computer savy, and stumbled onto your name. I have been occasionally performing your song for a few years now (when the crowd is smart enough, or sober enough to catch all of your lyrics). This is a fantastically crafted song, I have enjoyed sharing it, and am excited to know who to credit it with now. I hope that it is OK for me to continue sharing your song with my audiences.
Riley Yielding<
Beulah, Alabama, US. - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 at 16:17:57 (CET)
some fotos from the gig in twist/germany on my website www.bluesnights.de
it was great.
leo luesing-hauert
Leo Lüsing-Hauert<
Twist, Emsland, Germany. - Sunday, September 11, 2005 at 12:11:58 (CET)
in December 04 I listen to you and \"The Cannons\" in Weiden.
It was a great experience for me to listen to your music and that there was the possibility to talk to the artists.
I will always remember this evening.
Since this time your CD \"Words\" helps me over the time without live music.
And now I look forward to hear you again in Waldsassen or Neumarkt.
Wish you a good time!
Best regards. Eddy
Edgar Müller<
Windischeschenbach, Bayern, Germany. - Monday, July 4, 2005 at 12:37:01 (CET)
Hallo Pat! Glückwunsch zum neuen Outfit Deiner Homepage! Die Photogallerie ist klasse. Sind nicht wenige Bilder die nur allerbeste Erinnerungen wecken! Super, daß auch die neuen Termine gleich drin sind. Ich wünsche Dir viele nette Einträge ins Gästebuch und wir sehen uns aller-, allerspätestens in Waldsassen!
All the best. Heike
Hipoltstein, Bayern, Germany. - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 at 11:25:15 (CET)
I was at your concert in hetzles, I have to say it was the best Irish concert I ever was at, brilliant, better than any Dubliners concert I was at. I will see you in Nürnberg in the Loni Ubler Haus.
München, Bayern, Germany. - Saturday, January 15, 2005 at 02:18:12 (CET)
Up The Banner PAT Hope to see you in KILFENORA in 2005 Nagles and Linnanes are still pulling in the crowds lots of music and songs Better things are getting here. Good Luck
John Morgan<
Kilfenora, Ireland - Friday, January 14, 2005 at 22:29:36 (CET)
Hi Pat, you and Sean Cannon with Stokes sounds like a dream band, look forward to your concert in Essen, good wishes. Reinhard.
Reinhard Hammell.
Essen., Germany. - Friday, January 14, 2005 at 14:44:37 (CET)
Great night in the P's last week, we thought you would never sing, but when you did, it was really fabulous, just like we remembered you but even better. You deserve all the success you have in Germany, come back soon.
Gerry and Anne Sullivan. <
Coventry, England - Tuesday, January 04, 2005 at 02:08:22 (CET)
Hallo Pat und Brigitte, wünsche euch ein glückliches und gesundes neue Jahr. Sehen uns am Samstag im Highlander. Luzi
Luzi <
Nürnberg, - Saturday, January 01, 2005 at 15:36:02 (CET)
I think you should provide acknowledgement to Gerhard Hoffnung for the text of Sick Note. It is a well-known monologue of his.
- Wednesday, December 29, 2004 at 15:53:03 (CET)
Christmas greetings Pat and have a good time in England. Your show in Hetzles was really brilliant, we are still talking about it, we have reserved for Loni Ubler Haus in Februar, see you then.
Gerd Delling.
Amberg., - Wednesday, December 22, 2004 at 15:29:03 (CET)
Hello Pat, I met you on the concert in winkelhaid. It was so great there! I really love irish folk music and I hope I'll be at your next concert in Nuremberg. See you soon pal. Greetings Kai
Kai <
Feucht, Bavaria Germany - Monday, December 20, 2004 at 20:20:50 (CET)
Hallo Brigitte, Viola und Pat! Auch von unserer Seite "Merry Xmas" aus dem verschneiten Höchstädt im Fichtelgebirge. "Have a good ond" und viel Gesundheit und Erfolg im Jahr 2005. Vielleicht schaffen wir es ja wieder einmal, einen Gig auf dem Schlosshügel zu arrangieren. CU - Gunda, Martin, Kristina und Wolfgang
Martin Schikora <
Hchst?dt, - Monday, December 20, 2004 at 08:38:44 (CET)
Hi Pat, mit ein wenig Verspätung ein herzliches Dankeschön für das wunderschöne Konzert/ Session mit Sean, James und den Jungs von Stoke. werde alles versuchen im März 05 ein Konzert im Westen mitzuerleben. Dir, Brigitte und Viola ein schönes Fest und ein tolles neues Jahr mit vielen erfolgreichen Konzerten. Theo, Gaby+das Team vom Kult in Mak
Theo Marberg <
Höchstadt, Oberfranken - Saturday, December 18, 2004 at 23:31:53 (CET)
Hi there Pat, it was a great end to our vacation to hear you and Sean in Wieden. We go back to the states at the weekend but have to tell you this night was the highlight of our trip, thank's for finding the time for a chat with us, you have at least two new fans in Wyoming.
Don and Sue Galloway.
- Wednesday, December 15, 2004 at 13:01:50 (CET)
Hi Pat! Die letzten 4 Tage mit Dir, Sean & James waren wie gewohnt absolute Spitze! Marktredwitz mit Besuch aus dem Norden: Jörg und Kevin von den Stokes (ich freue mich auf Februar!!) Weiden mit Mario und seinem Pub "Dubliner", welches ausstattungsmäßig eines der schönsten Pubs ist, in denen ich bisher war. Winkelhaid, wo trotz "Wetten Das" in Nürnberg und ettlichen Weihnachtsfeiern viele Leute den Weg hinfanden (und wo ich dummerweise das Wohnzimmerkonzert bei Munkers verpaßt habe..) Und natürlich als Abschluß und absoluter Höhepunkt Hetzles (hier fehlen mir die Worte, das kann man nicht beschreiben!) Die Live CD wird sicherlich SPITZE!! Wer's verpaßt hat - selber schuld ;)!! Mach auf alle Fälle weiter so!!!! Liebe Grüsse Heike
Heike <
Hilpoltstein, Germany - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 at 10:56:09 (CET)
Look forward to seeing you at Christmas, my liver not. Are you playing in the 4 ps.
Coventry., - Saturday, December 04, 2004 at 03:24:27 (CET)
Hi Pat. Do you ever play outside Germany. Would love to see you in Inverness.
James Henderson.
Scotland. - Saturday, December 04, 2004 at 03:20:04 (CET)